Honorary Unsubscribe v2
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The second book in the This is True Honorary Unsubscribe series includes 146 stories about “The People You Will Wish You Had Known”. The period covered is 2003 through 2005. 158 pages, 5.5×8.5″.
Ebook Details
The Ebook File is ePub, which you can download from the shopping cart immediately after your purchase. For details on what to do with those files, see How Do I Read True’s Ebooks? You don’t have to have an “ebook reader” (let alone the Kindle brand) to read them.
Your purchase gets you the ePub ebook file. The file is not “copy protected” — I trust you to be fair with me and not share it with others.
Also Available Via Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats.
146 Amazing People
This second volume of astonishing people has more amazing inventors: several of the minds that made the Internet possible. The creator of the Smiley Face, and why he didn’t get rich from it. The originator of organic foods, and the stores which sell them. The guy who came up with the “Wave” used in sports stadiums.
How about the man who made sure the world knew about Schindler’s “list” — because he himself was on it? And wait until you hear what else the inventor of the Barbie doll created. Plus the guy who turned a pie plate into the Frisbee flying disk, and the amusing way he wanted to be remembered.
And then there’s the artists — the creators of music and TV shows you love (like Leave It To Beaver, and who that show was based on); even the guy who invented the pinup. Doctors who made radical breakthroughs to improve human life, such as the doctor who wrote the first textbook for paramedics. And yeah, a couple more rocket scientists, plus a few more entertainers who died mostly forgotten.
The mainstream media tend to worship celebrities and sports figures, but the real heroes in life are often anonymous to the public. You’ve seen the Norman Rockwell print of the small-town doctor, but you likely never heard his name (until now).
All those stories are in this book, plus more than a hundred more (146 total). The stories are fascinating: you won’t believe the cool people you have missed in your life. These are the people you will wish you had known.
The Honorees
- Tree lover Sally White
- MedicAlert founder Chrissie Woolcock Collins
- Stored program inventor Tom Kilburn
- Literary agent Candida Donadio
- Titanic survivor Michel Navratil
- Social activist Fuki Kushida
- Screenwriter Burt Kennedy
- Comedy writer Robert Weiskopf
- Digital communications pioneer Claude Shannon
- Dancer Ninette de Valois
- Schindler booster Leopold Page
- The Intrepid Mir Space Station
- Newspaperman John Oakes
- Smiley Face creator Harvey R. Ball
- Faucet inventor Alfred Moen
- Infrared visionary Fred Gillett
- Everest climber Babu Chiri Sherpa
- Songwriter James Myers
- Small town physician Donald E. Campbell
- Pinup creator Hartzell Spence
- Transportation innovator Malcom P. McLean
- Comedian Imogene Coca
- Foodie Ralph A. Miller
- Bluesman John Lee Hooker
- Usenet creator Jim Ellis
- Natural food pusher Aveline Kushi
- Peking Man finder Jia Lanpo
- Civil rights attorney Robert Wolfe Gilbert
- Writer Poul Anderson
- Musician Larry Adler
- Bowler Earl Anthony
- Astrophysicist Fred Hoyle
- German Measles vaccine developer Harry M. Meyer Jr
- NASA spokesman Julian W. Scheer
- Passengers and crew of Flight 93
- TV producer Fred de Cordova
- Computer animator Robert Abel
- Coin designer Frank Gasparro
- Cancer surgeon William G. Cahan
- Supervoter Neal Tillotson
- “Red card” inventor Kenneth Aston
- Code-talking promoter Mary Gorman
- The ever-thankful Percy Ross
- Win-win analyzer Stuart Nagel
- “Lady Marjorie” actress Rachel Gurney
- Holocaust alarm raiser Gerhart Riegner
- Spacecraft power developer Jerome Morse
- Band director and waver Bill Bissell
- Comedian Foster Brooks
- No-nonsense producer Julia Phillips
- Laser physicist Alexander Prokhorov
- TV humor writer Mike Marmer
- Computer networking pioneer Richard H. Bolt
- Actor Harold Russell
- Boat designer Graham Guilford Haddock Jr
- French resistance fighter Genevieve de Gaulle-Anthonioz
- Genomic researcher Norman Davidson
- Lifelong newsboy Bernard Green
- Hollywood producer Mimi Roth
- Publishing system inventor Rudolf Hell
- Actress Rosetta LeNoire
- Spacecraft engineer Thomas J. Kelly
- Communications satellite engineer John R. Pierce
- Writer and producer Roy Huggins
- TV bailiff Rusty Burrell
- German freedom fighter Kurt Klein
- Doll — and breast — designer Ruth Handler
- Songwriter Otis Blackwell
- Light bulb collector Hugh Francis Hicks
- MAD cartoonist Dave Berg
- Marine conservationist Milton C. Shedd
- Literary editor Murray Fisher
- Meteorologist John Hope
- Football great John “Jay” Berwanger
- Cancer drug discoverer Monroe E. Wall
- Photographer Yousuf Karsh
- Career advisor Bernard Haldane
- “Mickey Mouse Club Show” composer Norman Baker
- Polymer chemist William A. Mallow
- Frisbee developer Ed Headrick
- Skunk Works test pilot Louis Schalk Jr
- Docudrama inventor Stanley R. Greenberg
- Anthropological Conservationist Carolyn Rose
- “Miranda” lawyer John P. Frank
- Chemical engineer Donald L. Campbell
- Programmer Bob Wallace
- Pilot Aileen Saunders Mellott
- Film producer Sidney Pink
- “OK” etymologist Allen Walker Read
- Restauranteur Sema Wilkes
- Soundman Keith A. Wester
- Space radio engineer Henry Taylor Howard
- “Twilight Zone” savior Bert Granet
- “Great Escape” musician Walter W. Kinnan
- “Bullwinkle” animator William Henson
- Jungle society preservationist Orlando Villas Boas
- Paramedic author Nancy Caroline
- Philanthropist Virginia McKnight Binger
- Classic TV producer William T. Orr
- “Daisies” author Jean Kerr
- Boston Marathon director William T. Cloney
- Death psychologist Herman Feifel
- 7-Eleven founder John P. Thompson
- God’s beggar Werenfried van Straaten
- “Beaver” creator Joe Connelly
- Military thinker Eugene J. Carroll Jr
- Pioneering spacecraft Pioneer 10
- Radiation expert Gilbert W. Beebe
- Beeb announcer Alan Keith
- PC pioneer Adam Osborne
- Medical researcher Arthur C. Guyton
- Computer networker Anita Borg
- Immunologist Charles Janeway Jr
- Relational data baser Edgar F. Codd
- “Gilligan” composer George Wyle
- “Pygmalion” actress Wendy Hiller
- Tobacco educator Barb Tarbox
- Dancer Howard “Sandman” Sims
- Movie producer Beverly Bailis Karp
- Concentrated orange juice creator Wallace R. Roy
- Rocket scientist Magnus von Braun
- Betamax lawyer Dean Dunlavey
- Hand surgeon Paul Wilson Brand
- “Siskel and Ebert” creator Eliot Wald
- Vietnam National Veterans Memorial creator Victor Westphall
- Record producer Sam Phillips
- CPR creator Peter Safar
- WAVE pioneer Laura Rapaport Borsten
- Life teacher Connie Douglas Reeves
- Cinematographer Brianne Murphy
- Boys Town resurrectionist Robert Hupp
- “Hogan’s Heroes” demolitionist Larry Hovis
- “Superman” writer Jay Morton
- Carbon-14 dater Mark G. Inghram
- Lord Mayor Mary Donaldson
- “James Bond” inspiration Patrick Dalzel-Job
- Alaska conservationist Margaret Murie
- Washington mayor Walter Edward Washington
- True Value creator Edward E. Lanctot
- Actress Penny Singleton
- Bridge engineer Tung-Yen Lin
- Liberty-promoting reporter John Patrick Hunter
- Pioneering TV executive Ethel Winant
- Character actress Madlyn Rhue
- Pearl Harbor radar operator George E. Elliott Jr
- Computer/Internet pioneer Phillip Goldman