The most popular reasons for readers to stop by are to Upgrade to Premium (including renewals and gifts), or to grab some Get Out of Hell Free cards. And get Automatic Renewing Premium that doesn’t require you use Paypal.
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Unfortunately, I No Longer Ship Outside the U.S.: Between absolutely ridiculous postage costs for crossing a border these days (and that’s before you …or I… are charged for customs duties!), and new requirements that shippers collect GST for multiple countries, I just can’t afford the time to do the paperwork to remit such fees, so the system will simply tell you there’s no shipping method available if you try. Sorry, but it’s just another example of how small businesses are screwed by big governments in favor of big businesses that can afford to do so.
It Takes Around a Week to Ship Items. They do still come from Colorado. Sorry, but we generally cannot “rush” shipments. Premium upgrades and renewals are typically processed within 12 hours, and even if you “just miss” being sent an issue, you’ll get it anyway, just slightly delayed.

Similarly, I Cannot sell “tangible goods” in Colorado, including ebooks: the state’s sales tax laws are so onerous for small businesses that each taxable sale to a Colorado buyer would cost me literally more than 20x the sales tax you pay to process the order and remit the tax. How can any tiny business like mine even consider it?!
That said, True-related books are generally available via Amazon and (slowly rolling out) other book sources: another win for big biz over small.
Account registration was activated on this cart on December 8, 2017, and is optional for most orders, but now available for your convenience, such as for auto-renewals. Earlier orders will likely not show in your order history.
Please note that an “account” on this shopping cart is not related to whether you have a Premium subscription or not. It is a totally separate concept. 🙂
—Randy Cassingham, This is True